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Internet Lottery Frauds and Email Scams

Euromillones Loteria (2006)

This is one of a collection of fraudulent lottery announcements. We don’t send these messages! We collect the ones we receive and document them for the benefit of others.

If you’ve been a victim of a lottery scam like the one shown below you may wish to contact an attorney or law enforcement officer in your state or country.

From: Eurrrrrro Milllllln
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 20:33:55 +0200 (CEST)

EuroMillones Bonus Promotions
(International Prize Award Dept.)
Avda. de Sol 68, 1° 5,
28010 Barcelona, Spain

Date: 21st September 2006

Dear Winner,


We the Board members of EUROMILLONES Loteria International are pleased to inform you of the result of our annual FREE PROMOTION PROGRAM that was held on the 25th of August 2006; whereby your name attached to Lucky Star No: 10, 28, 40, 47, 48, Ticket Number: 71513 with Serial Number: EMP6&8, Reference Number: EMP/322/DGS/06 and Batch Number: EMP13258 consequently won the lottery in the 2ND CATEGORY.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum of 475,698.89 (FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND, SIIX HUNDRED AND NINETY EIGHT EUROS, EIGHTY-NINE CENTS ONLY) in cash credited to FILE CLAIM NO: EMP/DGS76-30H; this amount is from a total cash prize of 6,659,785.00 Shared amoong the Fourteen (14) International Winners in this promotion. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Note that all participants were randomly selected through a Computer Ballot System drawn from over 200,000.00 Companies and 2,000,000.00 individual names and email addresses from Australia, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Canada, Europe, North and South America, Oceania and around the world in this International Promotion Program.

However, your fund is now deposited with our accredited Security Company and insured in your name to its full value for onward remittance to you; but due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been processed and funds remitted to you; this protective measure is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by participants or public as it has happened in the past.

To begin your lottery claim, feel free to contact your Claim Officer MR. PROSPER TORRES (Director of DELVEST GRUPO SEGUROS S.L.) through Tel No: 0034664730438, Fax No: 0034653501769, Email: delvestsegu… for the processing and immediate remittance of your winning prize money to a designation of your choice.

Bear in mind that all prize money must be claimed not later than 30TH OF OCTOBER 2006 due to our on-coming HIGHSTAKE PROMOTION in December 2006; therefore, any unclaimed prize after the stipulated date shall be null and void, and shall be returned to the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y HACIENDA as UNCLAIMED FUND.

NOTE: After processing and approval of your claim details by our Claims Agent, an original copy of your Prize Winning Certificate shall be issued and sent to you upon application. Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and thank you for being part of our International Promotions Program; we do hope that your lucky name will draw a bigger cash prize in our subsequent high stake program.


(Presidente EuroMillones)

N.B: You can confirm your winning by visiting our online result website and click on EuroMillones, then click on date 25th August 2006 for your prize breakdown.

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